Sunday, June 28, 2015

CNN confuses black and white flag covered in sex toy symbols for that of ISIS during London Gay Pride parade: Watch Now

CNN confuses black and white flag covered in sex toy symbols for that of ISIS during London Gay Pride parade

Woman says she spotted ISIS flag at gay pride…

CNN has mistaken a flag displaying sex toy symbols for that of the terrorist organisation Islamic State ISIS in a report it aired on London’s Gay Pride parade.

In an ‘exclusive’ report which ran on Saturday, a CNN correspondent Lucy Pawle,went on air to claim she was the only one to notice an ISIS jihad flag being waved among gay pride crowds. But to the broadcaster’s embarrassment, the satirical flag was covered not with Arabic lettering, but symbols of sex toys.

CNN confuses black and white flag covered in sex toy symbols for that of ISIS during London Gay Pride parade

‘If you look at the flag closely, it’s clearly not Arabic, in fact it looks like it could be goobledegook, but it’s very distinctive – the ISIS flag.’

Pawle then states that she appears to be ‘the only person’ to notice the extremist flag being waved on London’s Regent St.

‘I seem to be the only person who had spotted this, and nobody seems to be raising any questions or pointing it out, so I immediately went to an events organiser who said he didn’t know anything about it. ‘I also spoke to the police nearby, who weren’t aware either.’

However, viewers quickly went on Twitter to correct the journalist’s error.


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CNN confuses black and white flag covered in sex toy symbols for that of ISIS during London Gay Pride parade: Watch Now

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