Thursday, July 2, 2015

Iphone case that looks like a firearm now being sold on Amazon—Take a Look!

Iphone case that looks like a firearm now being sold on AmazonIphone case that looks like a firearm now being sold on Amazon

The controversial new Iphone accessory is available on the internet sparking fears of armed police mistaking it for real firearm

A Siri idea: The Iphone cases have been labelled a ‘deathtrap’ by critics who say they could easily be mistaken for a real firearm.

Black men in the US better stay away from this phone case…police can mistake it for a gun. If they are being shot unarmed, imagine if a police officer saw this. The controversial new phone case which is shaped like a handgun is now being sold on Amazon for $10 and critics are calling it a ‘deathtrap’. In fact, NYPD is begging people not to buy the case to avoid issues with police …

Retired New Jersey state trooper and firearms instructor Al Della Fave told CNN Money:

“Most kids carry their cellphone in their back pocket and if someone reaches for it, in my mind they’re reaching for a gun. The first thing they’re going to see as it’s coming up is the trigger guard and the butt of the gun. This doesn’t seem like a good idea at all to me.”

Iphone case that looks like a firearm now being sold on Amazon

They think it’s cute, but this is going to get our kids killed,” Rodriguez told the New York Daily News.

Amazon is yet to comment on the gun cases, which are sold on the site by a third-party seller.

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Iphone case that looks like a firearm now being sold on Amazon—Take a Look!

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