Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Bruce Jenner is only "playing at being a woman" - Actress Alice Eve 

There have been declarations of support from across the world for Bruce Jenner, the former Olympic champion and stepfather of reality TV star Kim Kardashian, following his announcement that he thinks of himself as a woman after beginning gender reassignment treatment. Hollywood celebs have been calling Bruce Jenner a hero, praising him for finding the strength to tell his truth etc but one actress has boldly gone where few public figures have gone. According to Star Trek Alice Eve, Bruce Jenner is only ‘playing at being a woman’

‘For all intents and purposes I am a woman’ Nope. If you were a woman no one would have heard of you because women can’t compete in the decathlon. You wouldn’t be a hero. You would be a frustrated young athlete who wasn’t given a chance. Until women are paid the same as men, then playing at being a “woman” while retaining the benefits of being a man is unfair. Do you have a vagina? Are you paid less than men? Then, my friend, you are a woman.’ Alice wrote on instagram (she has since deleted the post)

"Bruce Jenner is only "playing at being a woman" - Actress Alice Eve 

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